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Functions Goals

  • Detect end of washing machine/dryer cycle

  • Notify user from 3 floors away (in apartment building)

  • Fabrication cost less than $650

  • Do not damage machines


  • Battery-powered

  • Size: less than 6" x 6"

  • Include anti-theft feature

  • Consumer cost: less than $60 (ideally less than $40)

  • Moveable between washer and dryer

  • Last at least 1000 cycles

Arduino Version

This washing machine sensor uses an Arduino Uno and a SIM card to detect vibrations and send alerts via text message. It is easy to manufacture and it can also detect even slight vibrations and alert immediately, but there may be signal strength issues and theft potential.

PCB Version

The washing machine sensor based on the PCB version includes various components such as the microcontroller, 7600A-H module, SIM card, power supply, and ATMEGA 32U4-XUMU. Despite being smaller in size, it is more efficient to mass-produce for the market. However, its design makes it expensive and difficult to prototype and troubleshoot.

Arduino CAD Drawing & Schematic 

Arduino Code

PCB CAD Drawing & Schematic 

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